Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week 2

It is amazing how much God is already working in our lives, showing us where we need to improve and refining our sense of who He is. Entitlement has been a big word this week and I've come to realize that I am entitled to nothing. Not my shoes, not my health, not shelter and not even my husband or my family. Everything I have is because of Him who loves us and I have to let all of the above go in order to fully follow Him. I have to being willing to never have cute shoes, never be guaranteed healthiness, never see my family again and possibly lose my husband. If I'm not willing for all of this to happen, then I'm not fully surrendered to Him.

I promise, though, that this has been a GREAT week! I'll post more later!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love how you list your shoes first here, before losing your husband. :-) jk We know she loves you Brock. And veggie straws? You can keep those. I'll go straight for the gelato. Praying for you Polly, Brock and your feet. Love you.
